Monday, March 3, 2008

Irish history quiz

Explore the internet for the answers to the following. HINT: Try the History Channel!!!

1) In the fifth century, St. Patrick arrived in Ireland in an effort
to convert the Irish to Christianity. Although little is known for
sure about Patrick's experiences in Ireland, it is believed that in
444 or 445 he established his first church in this town:

2) During the 10th century, Ireland was invaded by Vikings. The
raiders pillaged monasteries, but also founded settlements that
eventually grew into some of Ireland's biggest cities, including
Dublin. In 1014, this man was able to unite Ireland's warring tribes
long enough to defeat the Vikings at Clontarf, near Dublin, and free
Ireland from Viking rule:

3) In the 12th Century, Pope Adrian IV granted overlordship of
Ireland to this man, igniting an Anglo-Irish conflict that has lasted
for more than 800 years:

4) In 1607, the English government confiscated six of the nine
northern counties of Ireland and imported Protestant settlers from
England and Scotland to live there, laying the foundation for much of
the island's bitter history. These six counties are referred to as:

5) In 1720, the English monarchy granted the English parliament the
right to pass laws for Ireland. The Irish House of Commons, which at
this time was made up almost completely of wealthy Protestant
landowners, was left with only one major power:

6) From 1845 to 1849, the Great Famine struck Ireland, a result of a
fungus disease which caused the nation's potato crop - a staple of
the Irish diet - to rot in the ground. Nearly a million Irish died of
starvation and disease as a result of the famine. Many chose to flee
Ireland, resulting in the emigration of this many Irish to the United
States between 1847 and 1854:

7) In 1920, this act partitioned Ireland into two states: one
consisting of six northern, mainly Protestant counties and one
comprised of the island's remaining twenty-six southern counties. Two
years later, a treaty gave southern Ireland dominion status within
the British Empire as the Irish Free State:

8) Some areas in Ireland are known to receive this many inches of
rain each year, which accounts for the brilliantly green grass that
has earned Ireland the nickname the "emerald isle":

9) "Erin Go Bragh," a phrase heard often on St. Patrick's Day, means:

10) Today, the prime minister of the Republic of Ireland is:

11) With 27,136 square miles of land, the Republic of Ireland is
approximately half the size of this U.S. state:

12) Today, this number of Americans trace their ancestry back to

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