Thursday, January 31, 2008

Three short readings

La llorona

1. What was the young woman's name?
2. Describe both her physical attributes and her personality.
3. What did she do which was against her grandmother's advice?
4. What made her go crazy?
5. What did she do to her children?
6. State what you think is a moral of this story.
7. Why do you think parents would tell this story to their kids?

Juan Diego

1. Who was Juan Diego?
2. What appeared to him?
3. What instructions did he receive?
4. What is a "tilma"?
5. What is the significance of Our Lady of Guadalupe today?

Marina la Malinche

1. Why did Marina join forces with Cortes?
2. How did she help the Spanish?
3. Why is she considered to be the "Mother of the Mexican Race"?
4. How was Marina betrayed?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Friday, January 25, 2008

Developing fluency

Practice aloud with your partner, then with the teacher:

1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿De dónde eres?
3. ¿Cómo estás?
4. ¿Qué te gusta hacer (en tu tiempo libre)?
5. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
6. ¿Qué haces si tienes hambre?
7. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
8. ¿Adónde vas después de la escuela?
9. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
10. ¿Qué hora es?
11. ¿Qué día es hoy?
12. ¿Cuál es la fecha?
13. ¿Cómo se llama la directora de la escuela?
14. ¿Qué día es mañana?
15. ¿Qué clase de música escuchas?
16. ¿Qué programa de televisión miras?

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Questions about Dona Sebastiana

1. Why did the man steal the chicken?
2. With whom did he refuse to share and why?
3. With whom did he agree to share and why?
4. What was his reward?
5. Why did he eventually lose his power?
6. Define fate.
7. Write a sentence about the theme of fate or fatalism in this story.

MC Studies Assignment

In your small groups, discuss and define the following terms that we have studied thus far :

1. culture
2. multicultural society
3. cultural values
4. alcoholism
5. ethnicity
6. race
7. taboo
8. diné
9. kinaaldá
10. hogan
11. religion
12. spirituality
13. societal norms
14. nomadic
15. kiva
16. The function of song and dance in Native American culture.
17. matrilineal society
18. Tonantzin
19. Quetzacoatl
20. Teotihuacano

Friday, January 18, 2008

Pick one theme about which you will write two paragraphs:

What do you think would happen to you if you lost one of the most important parts of your life, like your family, friends, or ability to practice your religious beliefs?

Define alcohol or drug abuse. What are some consequences of chronic alcohol or drug abuse.

Could a behavior deemed acceptable and honorable in one culture be prohibited and punished in another? Give an example from the movie or from our class discussion.

Explain what happened at the Wounded Knee Massacre.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Brittani's Logo

Donald's Logo

ADS Logos

Acacia's logo is a copywritten original drawing

Paris W. Bush

Face collages--digital imaging class

Quiz, January 17

Test, Spanish I

I. Write the date represented by the abbreviation.

1. 12/3 el doce de marzo 2. 7/9 el siete de septiembre

3. 25/12 el veinticinco de diciembre

II. Write the following times in Spanish.

1. 1:00 es la una 2. 3:30 son las tres y media (treinta)

3. 4:15 son las cuatro y cuarto (quince) 4. 5:45 son las cinco cuarenta y cinco

III. Translate the following to Spanish.

1. It's hot Hace calor

2. It's cold Hace frío

3. It's windy Hace viento

4. It's snowing Está nevando

5. It's raining Está lloviendo

6. It's sunny. Hace sol.

7. It's nice weather. Hace buen tiempo.

8. It's bad weather. Hace mal tiempo.

IV. Translate to Spanish, using the proper tener expression:

1. I am hot. Tengo calor.

2. He is cold. Tiene frío.

3. I am hungry. Tengo hambre.

4. You are thirsty. Tienes sed.

5. I don't feel like it. No tengo ganas.

6. He has to work. Tiene que trabajar.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Donnie Cuellar wins grand prize

Donnie Cuellar won the grand prize in the Making Healthy Choices poster contest.
Congratulations, Donnie!!

Friday, January 11, 2008

"Your Life" assignment

1. Tape four sheets of graph paper together.

2. Figure out a way to draw one rectangle around 100 squares on the paper.

3. There are actually five possible rectangles you could draw which contain 100 squares. Draw all five possibilities.

4. You just illustrated a math concept that everyone in the United States MUST understand and use every day. What is it?

5. Make a list of the four most important things in your life. Assign a color to each thing. For example money could be green, family yellow, school black etc.

6. Decide how many squares out of one hundred money occupies in your life and color that many squares green, color family squares yellow, etc.

7. Now calculate the percentage of importance each thing occupies in your life.
Write these percentages underneath your box.

This is a graphic representation of your life.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Multicultural Studies Syllabus

Syllabus and learning objectives
Multicultural studies and basic math skills
Spring of 2007

Our school wide goal is for every student to master the basic math skills that no one should graduate from high school without knowing.

For that reason, every C block class at Academy del Sol will take responsibility for learning these skills.

There will be a test every Friday. If 80% of the class passes the test, the class earns rewards.

80% of all students will pass the following tests with a grade of 80% or better:

fractional parts, equivalent fractions, reducing fractions, ordering fractions,
mixed numbers/improper fractions, least common denominator, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying and dividing fractions, proportions, ratios, number lines, and converting fractions to decimals.

Multicultural studies

Students of this class will gain knowledge and appreciation of the diverse cultural backgrounds of people in the United States.

One week will be spent learning vocabulary basic to the study of cultures and societies.

During two weeks we will focus on the history and literature of the Native Americans, including the Aztecs, Toltecs and Mayas, the Trail of Tears, the Long Walk of the Navajo, the Apaches and Geronimo, the Navajo Way of Life and modern life on the reservation.

In subsequent weeks, we will focus on the history of Spanish exploration and conquest, Cabeza de Vaca, the history of Texas, the Mexican American War and its aftermath, Hispanics in modern times, and the writing of Rudolfo Anaya, Jimmy Santiago Baca, Sabine Ulibarri and Laura Esquivel.

We will study African American history and literature including slavery, the Amistad story, northern migration, racial tensions, race riots, and the writings of Maya Angelou, Alice Walker and Langston Hughes.

Irish Americans will be our topic for one week; the Scots and the English during another week, and the Germans and other ethnic groups during another.

We will write compositions based upon topics we have discussed.

Your grade will be based upon attendance, completion of daily writing assignments on issues of culture and society and your test results in math.