Monday, November 26, 2007

Spanish November 26

Spanish I
Store dialog to translate and present to teacher, November 26

Clerk: Good morning Buenos dias
Customer: Good morning. Excuse me, do you have Nike shoes here?
Buenos dias. Dispense, tienen zapatos de Nike aqui?
Clerk: Yes, sir (ma'am) Here they are.
Si,senora. Aqui estan.
Customer: How much do they cost?
Cuanto cuestan?
Clerk: They cost $812 pesos.
Cuestan ochocientos doce pesos.
Customer: You accept credit cards?
Aceptan tarjetas de credito?
Clerk: No, only cash.
No, solo dinero en efectivo.
Customer: How many dollars is that?
Cuanto en dolares?
Clerk: It is _________ dollars and _______ cents
Son setenta y tres dolares y noventa y ocho centavos.

(Find out the exchange rate for the Mexican peso and fill in the blanks with correct amount.)

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