Friday, November 30, 2007

Math problems for today

1. Store A has carpet on sale for only $2 a square foot. Store B has the same carpet for $15 a square yard. Which store has the better deal? If you buy 100 square yards of carpet, how much money will you end up saving if you buy from the cheaper store?

2. You are planning a car trip from Alamogordo to Los Angeles and back. Your car gets 20 miles to the gallon. If gas costs $3.10 a gallon, how much will you have to pay for gas?

3. Bank A offers you a car loan for $8500. The monthly payments are $164.33 for five years. The interest rate is 6%.

Bank B offers you a car loan for $8500. The monthly payments are only $154.63 for seven years. The interest rate is 13%

Which bank offers the better deal? How much money would you save by getting your loan from them?

4. Mike has half of a pizza. He gives 1/4 of it to Susan. What percentage of the whole pizza does Susan have?

5. At KMart, an item costs $250 but it is on sale for 15% off.
At WalMart, the item costs $225. Where should you buy the item and how much less is it than the more expensive store?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dictado 2

1. Comemos en la cafetería.
2. Ellos viven en California.
3. Juan escribe cartas a su amiga en México.
4. ¿Quién sabe?
5. Sabe Diós.
6. El mesero bueno recibe muchas propinas.
7. Leemos libros en la clase de Sra. Johnson.
8. Los muchachos corren en la pista.
9. Asistimos a la iglesia los domingos.
10. Hacemos la tarea.
11. Hace frío hoy.
12. Bebemos el agua fría.
13. ¡Te veo después!
14. ¡No como en Sonic!
15. Hace mucho calor en Florida.

Dictado 1, 28 de noviembre

1. Hablo el español.
2. Caminas con el perro en el parque.
3. Estudiamos el español.
4. Carlos trabaja en McDonalds.
5. Ellos descansan los domingos.
6. Compro bebidas para la fiesta.
7. Me gusta escuchar la música.
8. María y José bailan en la discoteca.
9. Tomo el café en la mañana.
10. Regresamos de la fiesta a las once.
11. Miras los Simpsons en la televisión.
12. Lavamos la ropa los sábados.
13. Mi mamá prepara la comida.
14. El profesor toca la guitarra y canta.
15. Tú montas en bicicleta.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Kawika,Chrystal and Dustin's graph

Here is the graph Kawika, Chrystal and Dustin prepared.

November 27 Shopping activity

November 27
Introduction: You have decided to compare prices in a major way. You will shop in five different countries for the same merchandise, convert the prices using current exchange rates, and choose the best buy (excluding shipping costs!).
Task: Using internet resources for shopping in the United States, Spain, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain, you will select 4 items to buy in all five countries. Once you find the local cost, you will convert that price to US dollars and compare the costs.
Spain shopping:
Yahoo Australia Shopping:
Yahoo Canada Shopping:
Yahoo UK and Ireland Shopping:
Yahoo US Shopping:
Currency Exchange Rates:
Another Exchange Rate Converter:

1. Your group will browse the online shopping resources for the United States, Spain, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain.
2. You are shopping for the following items: 1. an ipod nano 2. a Nokia N95 smartphone 3. a PSP console 4. a Nintendo Wii console
3. Look up the cost in all four countries for each of the items.
4. Using current exchange rates, convert all prices to US dollars.
5. Make a table and a graph to illustrate results.
6. Write a group report describing your results. Is the cost of each item the same in all countries? Is there a pattern where all items are more or less in some countries? Can you find an explanation?


In this activity, you will use the internet as a data source for a problem solving activity. You will be connecting real-world shopping and currency data to analysis and representation. You will use your reasoning skills to reach a conclusion based on the data, and will communicate your conclusions in a written report.
(Thank you, Ruth!)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Rita's assignment

¿Qué hora es?

1. 3:00 Son las tres. 2. 1:10 Es la una y diez 3. 4:45 son las cuatro cuarenta y cinco.

¿Cuál es la fecha?

4. 26/11 el 26 de noviembre 5. 9/6 el 9 de junio 6. 1/4 el primero de abril

¿Cómo se dice en español?

7. good morning buenos dias 8. good afternoon buenas tardes

9. good evening buenas noches 10. How are you? Cómo estás?
Answer with complete sentences

11. ¿Adónde vas después de la escuela?Voy a mi casa a comer.

12. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? Me gusta comer.

13. ¿Qué vas a hacer durante las vacaciones de Navidad? Ojalá pasarla bien. (I hope to have a good Christmas?)

repaso 11-26

Repaso, Español I

¿Qué hora es?

1. 3:00 2. 1:10 3. 4:45

¿Cuál es la fecha?

4. 26/11 5. 9/6 6. 1/4

¿Cómo se dice en español?

7. good morning 8. good afternoon

9. good evening 10. How are you?

Answer with complete sentences

11. ¿Adónde vas después de la escuela?

12. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?

13. ¿Qué vas a hacer durante las vacaciones de Navidad?

Spanish November 26

Spanish I
Store dialog to translate and present to teacher, November 26

Clerk: Good morning Buenos dias
Customer: Good morning. Excuse me, do you have Nike shoes here?
Buenos dias. Dispense, tienen zapatos de Nike aqui?
Clerk: Yes, sir (ma'am) Here they are.
Si,senora. Aqui estan.
Customer: How much do they cost?
Cuanto cuestan?
Clerk: They cost $812 pesos.
Cuestan ochocientos doce pesos.
Customer: You accept credit cards?
Aceptan tarjetas de credito?
Clerk: No, only cash.
No, solo dinero en efectivo.
Customer: How many dollars is that?
Cuanto en dolares?
Clerk: It is _________ dollars and _______ cents
Son setenta y tres dolares y noventa y ocho centavos.

(Find out the exchange rate for the Mexican peso and fill in the blanks with correct amount.)

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Multicultural Studies, Nov 26

Multicultural studies-- "Citing Sources"
1. List at least three origins of each of the following ethnic/racial conflicts in the United States. For each origin, write a sentence in which you cite the source of your information.

1. Irish Catholics and Anglo Protestants
2. Mexicans and Anglos in the Southwest
3. African-Americans and white America
4. Japanese and other Americans both in Hawaii and the mainland
5. Native Americans and European immigrants

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Goodbye Robin

Goodbye Robin, We will miss you!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Scientific and popular names for Mr. Martin's plants.

Famines Powerpoint

View the famines powerpoint.
Define the following: drought, exports, cash crops, genocide (ethnic cleansing),
vulnerability, desertification, cash crops
Give examples of five famines that have occurred. After each, make a list political and weather related reasons for the famine.

20 Preguntas Nov 13 Spanish I

Practice asking and answering these questions with your partner.
1. ¿Cómo te llamas?
2. ¿De dónde eres?
3. ¿Cómo estás?
4. ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?
5. ¿Cuántos años tienes?
6. ¿Qué haces si tienes sed?
7. ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
8. ¿Adónde vas después de la escuela?
9. ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
10. ¿Qué hora es?
11. ¿Qué día es hoy?
12. ¿Cuál es la fecha?
13. ¿Cómo eres?
14. ¿Me prestas un dólar?
15. ¿Tomas café en la mañana?
16. ¿Cómo se llama la directora de la escuela?
17. ¿Qué día es mañana?
18. ¿Qué día fue ayer?
19. ¿Qué clase de música escuchas?
20 ¿Qué programa de televisión miras?

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Brooke Ellison Story

Write three paragraphs about this quote from Brooke's mother:

"You belong in this world. You must decide if you are going to contribute to it or be paralyzed."

Spanish scavenger hunt

Find pictures of the following items and collect them into one document. (Text edit works fine.) Label your pictures correctly. The first two teams to finish win prizes. Everyone who finishes receives a grade of "100"!!!

un perezoso
una vibora
un oso negro
un caballo mesteno

Caracas, Venezuela
Santiago de Chile

una cascada
una fuente
una playa
un rascacielos

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Vocabulary for Levi Strauss Autobiography

1. peddler
2. amenities
3. patent
4. philanthtopic
5. integrity
6. ostentatious

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Devin Polson's Animation

The space ship is coming to destroy the earth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Jessica's Comments on Angelas Ashes

MC Studies Assignment for Angela's Ashes

1. Frank's childhood is miserable because family around him dies like
his two twin brothers and his little sister and his grandmother
and his lover. Also because his dad was constantly drunk and they
were poor and hungry.
2. The technique McCourt uses to create a distinct voice is he puts his
opinions out in the open. His voice in Angela's Ashes is verybold and strong.
3. McCourt's experiences in school was that he enjoyed it because he
loved reading and writing. He also liked his teacher.
4. McCourt's father, in my opinion was a selfish drunk because all
the money he would get he would use on alcohol for himself
instead of using it for food on his family. He views him as he would eat in the morning then walk to school with frank and then come home drunk at night.
5. During McCourt's childhood, his mothers presence was always there.
You can tell she was mostly sad or depressed throughout his childhood but no matter what she was always trying to take care of them and was always there for them, unlike his father.
6. Angela's Ashes is uplifting despite the sad situations because
Frank finally made it to America after all the years of savingand working for the money to go. He produces hope through his writing by saying good things to come and things like that.
7. It views that American people are rich and its just a great place to live.
8. McCourt's view of the Catholic Church is that they weren't very nice.
9. Angela's Ashes taught me that Ireland is a pretty poor place and
that people are suffering over there.
10. I rate Angela's Ashes a 4 on a scale one to five.

MC Studies Assignment for Angela's Ashes

1. On the first page of Angela's Ashes, McCourt says, "worse than the ordinary miserable childhood is the Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood." In what ways was his childhood miserable? How did being Irish and being Catholic contribute to his misery?

2. What techniques does McCourt use to create a distinct voice? How would you describe his voice in Angela's Ashes?

3. Discuss McCourt's experiences in school.

4. How would you describe McCourt's father, Malachy? What are the different ways Frank McCourt views his father in the book?

5. Why do you think McCourt titled the memoir Angela's Ashes? How would you describe his mother's presence in McCourt's childhood?

6. In what ways is Angela's Ashes uplifting despite the sad situations in the story? How does McCourt produce hope through his writing?

7. What is the view of America in Angela's Ashes?

8. How would you describe McCourt's view of the Catholic Church?

9. Did Angela's Ashes teach you anything new about Ireland?

10. Rate Angela's Ashes on a scale of one to five.

Chris Walker's Bomb

I like Chris Walker's animated GIF of a bomb. Here it is:


Dear students and friends,
Welcome to our blog! The purpose of this blog is to post assignments such as in-class compositions, to post comments about them. We will also post artistic projects from the digital imaging class.

The only guideline for now is please be positive and friendly and refrain from the use of profanity.
