Thursday, December 27, 2007

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Spanish, Dec 13

I. Listening portion, Spanish I Semester Exam
You will hear the following information about two individuals. Record all of the information that you can.

Nombre y apellido
Fecha de nacimiento
Número de teléfono
Hijos ________________________ Edad _____________________
_________________________ Edad _____________________

Nombre y apellido
Fecha de nacimiento
Número de teléfono
Hijos ________________________ Edad _____________________
_________________________ Edad _____________________

II. Count from 1- 20 by ones:

III. Count from 20-100 by tens:

MC Studies Composition Final

Composition portion, Multicultural Studies final exam

Each question is to be answered with a paragraph.

Grading is simple: you receive four points per complete sentence.

1. Define race, culture and ethnicity.

2. From what we have read and discussed in class, list five examples of when conflicts have occurred in the United States based upon differences in race, culture or ethnicity.

3. In three sentences, explain the point of the story "A Piece of String".

4. How could the Brooke Ellison Story inspire a person who was discouraged about his/her chances of succeeding in life? (three sentences)

5. What cultural values were introduced to our society by the English and the Scots? (three sentences)

6. What cultural values helped Levi Strauss succeed? (two sentences)

7. List two lessons we should learn from the Tulsa Race Riots.

8. Explain the fundamental message of The Color Purple. (2 sentences)

9. Explain the term "integration" in terms of society. (2 sentences)

10. List the three most important things in your life and explain why they're so important.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Go to:

Write a five sentence paragraph on this topic:

Should law enforcement agencies be allowed to use devices such as FLIR without probable cause and a search warrant?

Uniquely New Mexican

Web quest for Dec. 11:

1. Tell the story of the farolitos.
2. Write a brief paragraph explaining what a pastorela is.
3. Who are the chief characters in the matachines dances?
4. Who was Tonantzin?
5. What is the significance of December 12 for Mexicans?

Provide two illustrations of your choice for your answers.

Friday, December 7, 2007

9/11 Conspiracy theories

Use the following sites to answer the questions:

"The Truth about 9/11 Conspiracy Theories"

Give a logical explanation for the following pieces of conspiracy evidence:


1. the concrete clouds of dust and collapsing building which looked like it was being demolished by explosives.
2. the seismic spikes.
3. why the steel did not need to melt for the buildings to collapse.
4. the small hole in the side of the Pentagon.
5. Find evidence to refute the report that the planes that hit the towers had no windows.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Basic vocabulary you must know

Repaso de vocabulario, Español I
150 basic vocabulary words you must know

La ropa

1. la camisa
2. los pantalones
3. la camiseta
4. la falda
5. el vestido
6. el sombrero
7. los calcetines
8. los zapatos

Cosas en la clase

9. el lápiz
10. la pluma
11. el papel
12. la carpeta
13. las luces
14. la ventana
15. la puerta
16. la mesa
17. la silla
18. el libro


19. azul
20. verde
21. negro
22. blanco
23. morado
24. amarillo
25. café
26. anaranjado

La familia

27. padre
28. madre
29. abuelo
30 abuela
31. tío
32. tía
33. sobrino/ sobrina
34. primo/ prima
35. nieto
36. nieta
37. hermano
38. hermana
39. hijo
40. hija

La casa

41. la sala
42. el comedor
43. la cocina
44. el baño
45. la recámara
46. el garaje
47. el jardín

La comida

48. el agua
49. el pan
50. el queso
51. la carne
52. el maíz
53. la leche
54. los frijoles
55. el tomate
56. el chocolate
57. el arroz

Partes del cuerpo

58. las manos
59. los dedos
60. los brazos
61. la cabeza
62. las piernas
63. el pelo
64. los pies
65. los ojos
66. las orejas
67. la nariz

El tiempo

68. hace frío
69. hace calor
70. hace fresco
71. está lloviendo
72. está nevando


73. buenos días
74. buenas tardes
75. buenas noches
76. ¿Cómo estás?
77. hola
78. bien
79. mal
80. así así
81. hasta luego
82. adiós

La fecha

83. hoy
84. mañana
85. ayer
86. lunes
87. martes
88. miércoles
89. jueves
90. viernes
91. sábado
92. domingo
93. enero
94. febrero
95. marzo
96. abril
97. mayo
98. junio
99. julio
100. agosto
101. septiembre
102. octubre
103. noviembre
104. diciembre

Verbos -ar

105. hablar
106. trabajar
107. caminar
108. descansar
109. ayudar
110. lavar
111. fumar
112. bailar
113. tomar
114. tocar
115. cantar
116. escuchar
117. practicar
118. mirar

Verbos -er, ir

119. comer
120. vivir
121. escribir
122. beber
123. dormir
124. recibir
125. leer
125. comprender
126. abrir

Verbos irregulares

127. ir
128. tener
129. ser
130. estar
131. dar

Animales y personas

132. el perro
133. el gato
134. el muchacho
135. la muchacha
136. el hombre
137. la mujer


138. alto
139. bajo
140. gordo
141. flaco
142. bonito(a)
143. guapo
144. pelo largo
145. pelo corto
146. feo(a)
147. inteligente
148. tonto
149. grande
150. pequeño

Rwandan Genocide

The Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda:
Read the Wikipedia article here
then, answer:

1. Write a paragraph stating three reasons for Tutsi-Hutu conflict and hatred.

2. How did Belgium happen to become involved with Rwanda?

3. Why do you think the United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide?

4. Give another more recent example of genocide in Africa.

5. Explain what revisionism is. What theory is promulgated by Pierre Péan?